Wednesday 12 December 2012

The orphanage

The opening scene has a slow start,as we see the three main characters adopting a child at an happy, cheerful orphange.The childlike innocene and the horror genre gives it an contrast, and makes the movies more intereting.However the opening sign doesnt play a massive role to show that it has horror conventions, because the opening is very slow. The opening sequence is very laid back and relaxed, as the movies slowly starts to reval its genre, because of the mysterious house.There are cuts and edits made in opening scene,as well as contious shot.This gives a flow to the film, as theres isnt any jump cuts and mixed pictures.


  1. www some attempt to explore the opening of ONE horror film

    ebi I think you need to look at this more closely and consider why children are used, how the representation of innocence is thematic in horror, and how the children's game while establishing a sense of calm is also unnerving and a playful version of what horror is in metaphorically - something creeping up on you and tapping you on the shoulder.


    I don't see enough effort with your blog and your work in general. There is no evidence of you having written your pitch, synopsis or script. There are many gaps in your work and as a result your progress is very limited.

    If you are to succeed in Media and achieve anywhere like your targets then we MUST see an improvement.

    PLEASE ENSURE that you have updated your blog with all missing HW - you can check back through my blog for what you may have missed. Absence is never an excuse, neither is computer access at home as the school provides plenty of chances for you to use IT.
