Thursday 25 October 2012

editing preliminary exercise....

we used a wide range of shots- such as close up; 180 degrees rule; over the shoulder shot.
we tired to link different types of shot, without it jumping. The goal was to continuously edit all shots together so, it runs smoothly. However there were small mistakes, such as hair difference in some scenes, and hand movements. you can not notice the these mistakes, however it can effect the scene...
we also broke the 180 degree rule in one of the scenes without knowing, therefore we cut that bit out, as we also had another scene with the 180 degree rule.

we used tool and precision editing to make everything bit of shot clear, and smooth. And we made the sounds even, so every clip has the same pitch. no high or low pitches, this bit was quite hard to do, adjusting the colour made it more interesting and it also makes the audience think why it was done that way.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

How is the chicken used as a metaphore in the opening scene of city of god?

As the opening squence of ' cite of god' starts, we can qucikly identify that the genre as  action. this is signified by the exterem close up shot, of the knife being sharpend against a rock. This shows us that there would be some form of danger.The audience is then confused by what is happening bcause of the black outs between the shot. We then see a unknown man taking a photo, an close up shot, which changes into a wide shot, and the words 'cildade de dues' which basically means 'city of god' of brazilan as this is an brazilan movie. When the title appears, the viewers can tell the movie has just started.

We can see a range of shots taken while music playing in the backround. close up of the same shot, of the knife being sharpend against the role, then the camera showing us the chickens, then peeling carrots. This tell us that there is a alot of violence in this movie, as the knifes denote this. It also shows us danger. The camera goes back and forth between these scene, there is a close up shot then added, of a chickens head being sliced, this signifiys that there it death within the movie. This is shown by making the chickens a metaphore and showing its death.We see the string on the chickens leg, when he escapes.This can be a metaphore of the boy in the movie, as he runs away aways from someone.

While everyone chasing after the chicken, with weapons in their hands, such as; guns. we can see that they want to kill the chicken, this again denotes a person, as the scene looks similar to when people run after a person to kill them. The camera then cuts to a meduim continual low shot, when the chicken is running away, the audience feels as if they are running with the chicken, as the camrea is hand help, and at the same level as the chicken.This is to make the audince more involved.There comes a point where everyone stops and both the chicken and the boy are in the same postion.Trapped, between the people chasing the chicken and the police.It leads us back to the beginning where the chickens leg is tired up,its trapped from the free living, the camra around the boys neck may also be a interpretation of that.The metaphore very clear, as both chicken and boy is running away from someone, and both are in the same stiutation at the same time.
‘a picture could change my life,’. The viewer is forced to think what picture. The props used ' the camera around the boys neck' shows us the link between what is said and what is being shown.The props used are relevent to what the movie is about, most of the time it denotes a certain thing.

We can tell though this whole opening scene about who the audience might be for this movie, we can tell the movie is not made for children, because it contains a lot of strong language and violence.

Thursday 4 October 2012


My target: to add more connotation in my work,
                        explain the effects and try avoid unnecessary descriptions/denotation.
                        to use appropriate media terminology.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Analysis of godfather-opening scene

The film begins with a pitch black screen and slow music in the backround.we then see the first words ' mario puzo's the godfather, this lets us know that the movie has just started, the text is bold and clear to read. The picture fades away and you are left with just the black screen,this makes the audinace want to know what happens next. Theres a 2 second pause, before the first scene appears. In this scene the man, in sitting in the dark and talking to someone, however we do not know who he is talking to, as we can not see annother person in the room. his accent tells us that he is italain, but his first words are ' i believe in america' this shows the audinace that although he is italian, he lives in the USA, and believe to be a citizen, a part of it. The shot that is taken is a close up shot, this is to show the audinace his facial expressions, although he is in the dark, and you can not really see him properly. the camera then moves slowly backwards giving us a medium lenght shot, this make it look like that the man is talking to the viewer, as in telling his story, but as theres a camera shot of over the shoulder, there is another person close up in the frame, and the audiance relaise that he talking to someone else, sharing his story rather then talking to the audiance. As at first it looks like that the man is talking to the audiance this gets them intressted as they feel involved.